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Cat Foster Application
Fostering is a selfless, rewarding, incredible act. We cannot save lives without you! When fostering for Beach Dog Rescue we work together as a team. Thank you for being a part of our mission by choosing to foster!
Are you approved by landlord to have a foster animal?
Is everyone in your home on board with fostering?
Is anyone in the home allergic to cats?
Are you willing to take your foster to the vet?
What is your household activity level?


By sending this electronically, I acknowledge that I have completely read this questionnaire and comprehend it fully.

I understand that applying does not ensure approval and that untruthful answers or failure to comply with the requirements of this application can result in the forfeiture of any BEACH DOG RESCUE animal fostered by me.

I certify that the above information is correct, and I understand that the information will be verified.

I understand that by submitting this form electronically, I agree to release and covenant to hold harmless BEACH DOG RESCUE and it's members from any claims, damages, costs, or actions incurred because of the care or actions of the foster dog.

I accept full responsibility for the cat(s) actions at all times, and release BEACH DOG RESCUE from any liabilities or damages that may be incurred because of fostering such cat(s).

I agree to have BEACH DOG RESCUE complete reference call checks and conduct a home visit inspection to be able to approve my foster application.

I agree that if I'm unable to foster the cat(s) anymore that I will return the cat(s) to BEACH DOG RESCUE and try to give BEACH DOG RESCUE a 2 week period to try and find another suitable foster for the cat(s). 

I agree that the foster cat(s) is property of BEACH DOG RESCUE and with out any reason or notice I must return the foster dog(s) to BEACH DOG RESCUE.

I agree to pay the $250 adoption fee if I decide to adopt the foster dog under BEACH DOG RESCUE.

Thank you for submitting a foster application! We will get back to you ASAP!

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